AT- Used Booths 12824 Simms Ave Hawthorne CA 90250

Monday, October 5, 2020

From Used Nomadic Displays To Skyline Exhibits: Things You Should Know About Trade Show Booths

If you’re new to the trade show scenario, you may be a bit confused with the options available. What are pop up displays? What is the difference between a portable booth and an island exhibit? Can you utilize the same display for every expo or do you have to build a completely new one every time?

Just relax! It is not as complex as it appears. Once you know the fundamental types of booths those organizations utilize at trade shows, from portable exhibits to used Skyline exhibits, you’ll be able to determine what will work best for your organization. 

Portable trade show booths

As the name implies, a portable trade show exhibit can be packed and transported wherever you want them to go. These usually includes various elements, including pop ups, banner stands and used nomadic displays. They may be broken down into various minor cases for simple transport and generally can be assembled in less than 30 minutes and sometimes within 5 minutes. This is what makes them a perfect choice for a smaller show. The design of these exhibits varies. One popular option is a collapsible metal frame that can be set up at the show and then covered with a customized fabric.  

 Island exhibits

Once you have become experienced in the industry, it will be time to upgrade your portable display and invest in an island exhibit or a used 2 story display. These are bigger displays that frequently look like a miniature storefronts and may boast multiple kiosks or rooms, implying you can expand your sales personnel and hence your contacts at the show. 

With options available from easy tabletop displays to completely personalized used Skyline exhibits, you’ll surely get a combination that suits your business requirements.